Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Comment on: Improve your Posture Improve your Breath

One of my axioms of Rehab is Alignment Dictates Function. 

This statement is substantiated by the musculoskeletal  principle of the Length Tension Ratio which states that  a muscle will contract with greatest vigor when it is at a particular length. 

Ultimately, my goal in all of my patients is to restore proper alignment as best possible for that individual.

I believe the Alignment Dictates Function principle when dealing with the viscera. The human body is essentially made up of tubes and if there is a kink in the tube, just like a garden hose, things will not flow. 

Recently I read a post called Breathing Right Down to your Bones that illustrates the Alignment Dictates Function principle with breathing.

If you have a pulse oximeter available to you, put it on and test your O2 saturation assuming your patient's posture.

Notice some changes?

As therapists we cannot put more calcium in an osteoporotic bone, heal a broken bone,  or undo damaged lung tissue or change a person's age. Alignment/posture is one of the few things that we can change through the use of manual techniques, taping, bracing, and positioning in our patients.

Another one of the axioms that I ascribe to when it come to therapy is taken from the Serenity Prayer;

grant me the serenity 

to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference